Introducing Dorsata Honey's "Diabetes Prevention & Care Package"
Intro Package:
✅ Dorsata Bitter Rock Honey 300g x 1
Medium Package:
✅ Dorsata Bitter Rock Honey 300g x 1
✅ Dorsata Dark Premium Honey 300g x 1
✅ Pure Ceylon Cinnamon Powder 40g x 1
✅ Wild Trigona Honey 45g x 1 (free gift)
Large Package:
✅ Dorsata Bitter Rock Honey 700g x 1
✅ Dorsata Dark Premium Honey 700g x 1
✅ Pure Ceylon Cinnamon Powder 40g x 1
✅ Wild Trigona Honey 45g x 1 (free gift)
The “Diabetes Prevention & Care Package” is for people experiencing the following:
⭕️ Toilet - going for a wee a lot at night
⭕️ Increased hunger
⭕️ Losing weight without trying to
⭕️ Blurred eyesight
⭕️ Cuts and wounds healing slowly
⭕️ Thirsty - being really thirsty
⭕️ Tired - feeling more tired than usual
With Dorsata Rock Honey,
🐝 100% Wild, Raw, Mature Forest & Cave Honey
🐝 Superior level of Polyphenols - Medicinal Compounds in Plants
🐝 0 Added Chemicals and Artificial Sugar
🐝 Rich in Minerals and Vitamins
This “Diabetes Prevention & Care Package” can help diabetic patients to:
✅ Facilitate Wound Healing
✅ Become More Energetic
✅ Stay In Deep Sleep
✅ Improve Gut Health
✅ Improve Insulin Sensitivity & Support Insulin Production
✅ Feel Better! Because you finally get a proper sleep & feel energetic!
All you need is to follow the following guide:
In The Morning, During Breakfast: 1 Table Spoon of Dark Premium Honey
30 Minutes Before Bed: 1 Table Spoon of Bitter Rock Honey
(Refer to the image for spoon reference)
How to Buy the “Diabetes Prevention & Care Package”:
Select your Diabetes Prevention & Care Package👇
The “Diabetes Prevention & Care Package” 700g – (Up to 67 days consumption)
Click on “ADD TO CART”
Click on “BUY IT NOW”
You can make the payment with the following options:
Option 1: Click on Billplz and make payment via online banking
Option 2: E-wallet
Your “Diabetes Prevention & Care Package” will be at your doorstep as the timing below:
West Msia: 2-4 working days
East Msia: 4-7 working days
Get your “Diabetes Prevention & Care Package” Today
and finally, get the good night’s sleep that your body needs 💪
Q: What makes Dorsata Honey different than other honey out there?
- 100% Wild, harvested from the trees, rocky cliffs, and caves in the deep oldest rainforest of Malaysia
- Superior Level of Polyphenols Content, from 17 to 190 times higher than ordinary honey. Polyphenols are plant compounds that have high medicinal value
- 100% Unprocessed, unpasteurized, raw
- ZERO Sugar and ZERO Chemicals Added
Q: Are there any other benefits from consuming Dorsata Honey?
Yes. On top of improving sleep issues.
Bitter Rock Honey Helps:
- Improve liver health, assist in metabolizing foods and fats better
- Improve digestive system
- Improve bowel movement
- Increase nutrition levels for the body to repair and recover
- Improve the immune system and body metabolic rate, which helps in fat-burning and weight loss
- Stabilize body system
Dark Premium Honey Helps:
- Rich in phenolic and flavonoid, making it a champion disease fighter
- Increases bone density
- Suppresses weight gain in menopausal women
- Its high phenolic content reduces chronic inflammation enabling good heart health and protection against cancer
Q: "I have some questions, who can I talk to?"
You may contact our Dorsata Honey Consultant on WhatsApp HERE
Q: Does this work for people who have diabetes?
Yes, Dorsata Honey is suitable for people who have diabetes.
Dorsata Honey is pleased to inform you that we are already certified according to the following standards. Please click the CERTIFICATIONS PAGE to view our certification for 2023/2024.